Schedule for psychic readings by phone only. No skype

Welcome to my schedule. I so look forward to being of service to you..:)  Please leave all details for new reservations. All appointments are Eastern Standard time. Please know that you must book at least two days in advance or cancel two days prior to your reading.  I do work by donaton and allow you to contribute what you are able and you must pay for your appointment prior to your reading.  I do accept paypal and charge cards for your convenience or you can send donation through the mail. Please NOTE I have had many people using an appointment time and not honoring their appointment. I must require your donation in advance now. I'm sorry to have to do this, but it's become a problem with scheduling. It's not fair to others that need my services to take an appointment and not cancel in due time. You can pay with paypal using your debit or credit card. You don't need a paypal account to donate. Use my email to donate and please put down that it's a gift. I thank everyone for understanding. If you want to mail your donation or use a credit card, email me within 24 hours to notify me that you have mailed your donation or to have me contact you for your credit card information. If I don't hear from you within 24 hours I will delete your appointment from the schedule, sorry for the inconvenience to anyone.


paypal account is :

address for mailing is

5310 Cherry Wood Drive, Naples, FL 34119

For charge cards send an email requesting payment with a charge card.

It is your responsibility to call 239-949-3387.

Questions? You can email or call at 239-949-3387