Schedule for BRB Social Justice Hub @ TNS University Center

Welcome to the online reservation system for the Baldwin Rivera Boggs Social Justice Hub at The New School University Center!

The Hub is a campus space dedicated to the supporting anti-oppression/social justice organizing and marginalized student groups.

If you are planning a meeting or event that connects to that mission, you can make reservations using this calendar. Just click on the space you want to reserve from the list on the right. Then click on the calendar and fill out the "New Reservation" pop-up box. You will receive a confirmation email right away and a reminder email a day before your event.

If you need to cancel your reservation, just return to this page and click on your event and hit "delete."

  • "SJ Gathering Space" is the open space by the landing near Stair 3
  • "Room 513" is the room to the right if you are standing in the SJ Gathering Space and looking at the conference rooms
  • "Room 514" is the room to the left

Room reservations are first-come, first-served. Click here to return to the SJ Blog.

Problems with the calendar? Contact <>.