KDIS Writing Center - Schedule for Writing Consultations

Welcome to the Writing Center! 

* When creating a new consulting appointment,
1) Briefly explain consultation reasons in the description field.
2) Submit a file of your written document through the provided link in SuperSaaS website.
3) After the submission is done, you should return to the SuperSaaS page and Click 'Submit' button

* Please visit website below and evaluate your consultant immediately after receiving consulting service:

* You can use the Writing Center 3 times per semester, and additional 3 occasions for your thesis, SRP, ELP or Capstone paper.

* Additional Service Request Form (Master's student: Once, PhD: Max 4 times):

** Graduates can use the Writing Center 3 times within one year after graduation.
1) The consulting is restricted to job-seeking and graduate school application materials
2) SuperSaas account will be deleted after one year of graduation

※ New Service Announcement - 1:1 Presentation Consultations

For more details, please follow the link below: https://www.supersaas.com/schedule/kdiswritingcenter/Presentation_Consulting

※ Questions: writingcenter@kdis.ac.kr