Schedule for Imaging

Check availability and schedule your microscopy session at the Institute of Anatomy, LSMU

Only confirmed reservation guarantee availability of the device.

Please email Kristina if your actual usage time differs from the online sign-up.

Fluorescent (3rd floor): Zeiss AxioImager Z1, Apotome2, AxioCam MRm, AxioVision;
Fluorescent (ground floor): Zeiss AxioImager M2, Apotome2, AxioCam MRM, AxioVision;
Confocal: Zeis AxioObserver Z1, LSM 700, Zen 2010;
Brightfield: Zeiss AxioImager M1, AxioCam MRC, AxioVision;
TEM: Tecnai BioTwin Spirit G2.