End of Year Service Summary
The purpose of the End of Year (EOY) service is to ensure that your student and operational data are properly managed during this time of year. An HSS Technician will properly manage the closing of the year and start of the year information for your system, as relating to Nutrition Services. This process will include, but not limited to, the following:
A. Student Management within POS, including student grade advancement, senior graduation/retention, site changes, and account balance management
B. District Transaction Management, including database backup for the district to archive. Eliminating unwanted transaction information, and discussion of reimbursement rates.
C. Free & Reduced Application Management, including temporary dates, discussion of IEG's, and categorical eligibilities, i.e. Direct Certification.
We use Go to Assist as remote connectivity software to perform this work. Based on your software version, the district must allow access to one of the following:
MCS Server or Workstation with all applicable programs
Project Scope
This Statement of Work covers the following activities and deliverables.
- HSS Technician will call district appointed contact to gain remote access to computer / server.
- HSS Technician will transfer over required tools, via the remote connection
- HSS Technician will ensure the district is operating within base software platform's current version.
- HSS Technician will confirm that information provided by district is correct, before executing the process. Grades, Sites, Student advancement/retention, site changes, and handling of transaction data.
- HSS Technician will disable any MCS/mySchoolBucks scheduled tasks.
- HSS Technician will execute the EOY process based off the district provided information.
- HSS Technician will enable any MCS/mySchoolBucks scheduled tasks.
- Once work is completed
- The appointed contact will be notified via email
- At this point, the billing process will be initiated.
Key Assumptions
This agreement is based on the following assumptions.
This Statement of Work was read, completed and submitted to Heartland School Solutions
MCS EOY Questionnaire was completed and submitted to Heartland School Solutions
MCS EOY HSS Technician will be granted remote access to the necessary computers/servers.
All serving lines have successfully sent their final End of Day transmission for the 2021-22 school year.
All students are in the correct grade for the 2021-22 school year.