Accept online payments

Get the money thing out of the way so you can focus on the service you provide
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling

Secure, fast, and hassle-free

If the service that you offer requires payment, you can display its price at the time of booking and handle the payment transaction as part of the booking process

  • Easy integration: go live in minutes with easy setup and integration options
  • Let customers choose: accept payments via credit cards, PayPal, a credit system or any other payment method your payment provider offers
  • No additional fee: only the transaction costs from your payment provider applies
  • Secure transactions: top-tier security ensures your transactions are protected


SuperSaaS offers you a broad array of payment options, ranging from handling online payments to invoicing and using our credit system

  • Various payment providers: integrate direct payment via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Mollie and many others or handle payment yourself
  • Pricing rules: create pricing rules, so the appointment price depends on its length, the day of booking, the start time of the booking, etc.
  • Credit: use the online shop feature to sell credit that can be used for sets of bookings or service packages
  • Discounts: offer limited time discounts and promotions (% or amount) and set discounts for early birds or for bookings created on specific days
Documentation on payments
Schematic image of online payment
Schematic image of online payment

Getting started

Getting setup with online payments is easier than you might think

  • Set prices: configure your schedule to present fixed prices or calculate prices based on a set of pricing rules
  • Configure online payments: get started quickly with payments via PayPal or follow the step-by-step guides for various payment providers (e.g. Stripe) in our documentation
  • Configure invoicing: optionally send invoices automatically via an external invoicing provider that also handles payment and set the timing of when the invoice is sent
  • Set advanced options: optionally define promotions, discounts, advanced pricing rules (e.g. increase the price in the weekend)