Confirmations & Reminders

Email and SMS notifications ensure no one forgets a booking
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling

Keep everyone informed

Keep your customers, your team, and yourself informed about every appointment in real time

  • Reduce no-shows: automated reminders ensure your clients or team members are always aware of upcoming commitments, decreasing the likelihood of missed appointments or last minute cancellations
  • Stay organized: receive notifications for new appointments and reminders for upcoming ones, helping you stay on top of your schedule
  • Enhance client interaction: timely communications ensures your clients are always informed and prepared for their appointments
  • Accommodate digital appointments: let clients schedule virtual appointments which automatically include your unique Zoom or Google Meeting link
  • Update your team: use notifications to update your own team, e.g. send a Slack message when a meeting room should be prepared for an upcoming meeting


Customize how and when everyone receive updates

  • Confirmations: receive automatic confirmation emails or SMS when a booking is added to your schedule (of when a booking in cancelled)
  • Reminders: automatically send email- or SMS reminders to customers at a certain time before the scheduled appointment time
  • Follow-up: send follow-up messages after the appointment to share relevant information, request feedback or generate customer reviews
  • Customize: insert dynamic texts, for example, to address users by name or confirm the details of the booking and apply styling via HTML format
  • Email domain: send your reminders & notifications with your own “From” address or through your own email provider
Documentation on notifications
Schematic image of notifications
Schematic image of notifications

Getting set up

It’s really easy to activate and customize notifications, without any technical knowledge

  • Enable notifications: log in to your SuperSaaS dashboard, and enable the messages you want to send for each of your schedules
  • Select type of message: sending e-mail confirmations and reminders works out-of-the-box. For SMS messages simply enter the SMS gateway settings of a provider
  • Customize your messages: customize the message content and format for each type of message, which can be different per schedule
  • Automation in action: once set up, SuperSaaS automatically sends out notifications whenever new appointments are booked or upcoming appointments are nearing