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Information API

The information API can be used to get a list of schedules or forms in your account and their internal IDs. It also provides an endpoint to list the available services in a Service type schedule, and to list the resources in a Resource type schedule.


Please refer to the Authentication Page.

List Schedules or Forms in an account

You can retrieve a list of schedules or forms from an account through the API by using /api/schedules or /api/super_forms respectively. These require that the account name and api_key are passed URL parameters or as Basic Auth.


The API will return an array of tuples containing the schedule IDs and schedule names.

List Resources or Service in a schedule

Send an HTTP GET request to and include the following parameters:

schedule_idThe ID of the schedule for which to list the Resources or Services


Try it out

The API will return an array of tuples, containing the IDs and names of the resources or services. It is not possible to use this API on a Capacity schedule. You can select whether this call should return a result as JSON or XML by adding .xml or .json at the end of the URL.

List available fields on the Schedule or User object

Send an HTTP GET request to and include the following parameters:

The ID of the schedule, omit this parameter to list the fields for the User object


Try it out

The API will return a JSON encoded field list.

List Groups in an account

Send an HTTP GET request to


If any groups have been defined in the account, the API will return an array of tuples, containing the IDs and names of the groups.

This tutorial can display code snippets relevant to your account if you log in
This tutorial can display code snippets relevant to your account if you generate an API Key at the bottom of the Account Info page by clicking the Generate button.