Thank you for booking a volunteer appointment at the Arts & Scraps Community Store. We are currently only accepting volunteers who are 18 year or older, unless they are volunteering with a guarding. If you need to schedule a time to volunteer and are under 18 please email
Volunteer shifts are available 11:30am to 2:30pm and 3pm to 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 12pm-3pm on Fridays.
Please note you will be standing and walking while volunteering. If you are unable to do these physical activities please email us with your accessibilitie needs and we will have tasks ready for you.
If you are showing any symptoms of being sick we please ask you to stay home. If you arrive to volunteer and are symptomatic we will require you to wear a mask or possibly go home depending on severity.
The volunteer jobs range from sorting and organizing items by color, style or theme. We need volunteers excited to maintain, sort and organize our store.
Please create an account/log in to sign up for a volunteer shift.
Contact us: