To make a reservation you must have:
- An active semesterly Maker Pass
- Completed General Workshop Safety
- Completed the online and hands-on training for the FabLight (see module in bCourses)
This system does NOT use CalNet login and you MUST register a new account.
You must cancel a reservation if you cannot make it at least 1 hour before it begins.
- Reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance.
- Maximum: (Four) 60 minute reservations per week total.
- Unreserved times are designated as "drop-in use" by anyone until the next reservation. You must check in with a Design Specialist prior to dropping in.
- Late & no-shows: After 15 minutes a reservation is forfeited and the remainder of the time is given to the first drop-in user
Please remember: this laser is for METAL ONLY. Any user caught cutting non-metal materials will be banned from using the FabLight.