English Writing Workshop -- Fall 2024

The writing workshop is closed on Labor Day 2 September and during Reading Week.

Welcome to the English writing Workshop for the Fall 2024 session! 

Students are asked to either bring their computers, a hard copy of their assignment  or their USB key to the workshop in room # 259, in the library.

Students will sign in online, as usual, and complete the form (name, student number, etc).

Students can only sign up for one 25-minute period a day. 

You may create a reservation according to the availabilities of teachers at the desired day and time. You need to be logged in to make a reservation.

Attendance will be taken. Please click on this link after you have made a reservation for a workshop.

The very first time that you log in, you must create a user account. For all subsequent reservations, you will simply need to sign in with your email and the password that you have chosen.
Note : no password restrictions. Just remember it for future reservations.