Castlepollard Library is available to My Open Library members from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Staffed hours are :
Monday 9.40am- 5:30pm
Tuesday 9.40am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9.40am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9.40am - 8:00pm
Friday 9.40am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9.40am - 1:30pm (closed bank holiday weekends).
Table spaces may be booked for a maximum of four hours at a time. If there is a free table when your booking ends you may rebook with a member of staff.
Please ensure you bring all material needed with you, as Westmeath Libraries are unable to supply pens, paper etc.
If you are under 16 your parent/guardian must provide us with consent for the use of your personal data. Click here to fill out the form.