Imaging Core Calendar


-The Nikon A1R will remain in A606 but must be reserved on this calendar. The Imaris workstation and Nikon epi scopes are located in A309 but you must sign up for use on this calendar.

 Imaging instrument users: Your use of instruments is not limited but you are limited to a total of 3 calendar reservations. Please make only one reservation on any given day and limit it to 4 hours in the morning or afternoon during normal working hours (e.g., 7-11, 8-12, 12-4 or 2-6) . You may make longer reservations after 6 pm and on weekends. Cancellation of reservations is permitted up until one day prior to the reservation.  

 Please email Moritz Armbruster ( if you need to cancel your reservation or if your actual usage time is longer than the online sign-up.