Your schedule on your own website

Integrate your SuperSaaS schedule seamlessly on your own website
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling
Small schematic image to represent features of online scheduling

Why integrate your schedule?

Improve user experience and streamline scheduling appointments and bookings

  • Enhance user experience: offer a seamless and professional booking experience that integrates flawlessly with the look and feel of your site
  • Increase conversion: visitors stay on your site, removing the risk of losing them as a customer when they first need to navigate to another site for booking an appointment
  • Booking on-the-go: integrating a schedule works just as well on a desktop as on the mobile version of your website

Integration options

Various options to integrate your appointment schedule on your own website

  • Widget: show a booking widget inside a frame or show a button that opens a pop-up with the widget via JavaScript
  • Customize: determine which type of widget your customer sees (e.g. month view, buttons, list) and choose colors that match your website’s branding
  • Single sign-on: use the free module for WordPress, Wix, Joomla and Drupal to automatically log in your users
  • Custom domain: use your own domain name in the schedule address as an alternative to including a schedule on your site
Try a widget demo
Schematic image of website integration

Getting set up

It’s easy to integrate a schedule into your website with limited technical knowledge

  • Set up your schedule: before integration, set up and customize your services, availability, and other settings for your schedule
  • Generate code snippet: use the wizard that generates a small piece of code based on the type of widget and other options that you choose
  • Embed your schedule: use our provided code snippet to embed your schedule directly into your website
  • Test the integration: make sure everything works as expected by conducting tests on various devices
Documentation on website integration